Nightcore - Machines
- Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
- Amazing song from All Good Things, enjoy!
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♫ Original Song Title: All Good Things - Machines
★ Picture used in the video:
★ Picture Artist: / / gia_029
★ Picture basis on anime/game: Original Artwork
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↪︎Make some noise in the original one: • All Good Things - Mach...
As you know from my fanpage, a little marathon is starting just now! I hope you will enjoy it
Thank You! :D
Dam, I missed it.
(This is a joke)
@@GyuukiNightcore who is that girl with the robot
I love this nightcore, you are a machine when you make these NIGHTCORES I'm gonna miss them for awhile but I know your gonna be back , thank you for another awesome nightcore.
Thank You! :D
I’ve bin waiting for another nightcore machine. Thanks
Then I think I'm a replay button breaking machine. . .
Btw good job! :D
This is awesome!!! ;3
right click on the pauze button then click on loop no need to press replay
This is still one of my favorite songs you've done.
Great as ever
Thanks! ^^
Hell yeah!
THis is my fave song >~
Thanks! \^o^/
Amazing, 2x speed of another song.
Love this song
Nice as always
Yay 1 like lols
Thank You! :D
Congratulations on getting to 9k likes
Man I can taste my past self pride watching this again
Sounds legit
good song
Thanks! ^^
sweet man
Thansk! :D
Whatever the thingy in the background is it reminds me of something out of halo. Imagine if the covenant and the forerunners would have done a collab on a sort of war mech/suit. It would probably look somewhat like this.
I thought the same thing.
i can see that, though i think there's some human design in it too especially in the gun and "wings"
@@darkdruidsvaleeh…the wings look more Forerunner to me…
The gun does look very human tho.
good music
What a Mecha Nightcore bro ⬙
awesome bro
Thanks! :D
Thanks! ^^
*starts video not at max volume*
*realizes mistake and restarts at max volume and all the bass boost i can do*
*buys new headphones*
@@GyuukiNightcore senpai has noticed me
I've never clicked faster
The girls ok, I guess.
you are a true engineer.
@@ericleonard2863 yes, yes he is.
I started playing Iron Saga bc of this vid
Nice girl 😌👍🏻
Thanks! :D
jea men cool cool jea jea vuuuuuuu ;] 100%
Steel guns and girl hell yeah!😎
the harsh world turn this once weak body to machine with steel cold heart. rise again stronger than before and never to fall again.
robo attack nice bro!
Thank You! :D
the girl look like ghost from SFgirls
edit: also, the robot has bass shoulders... nice
Why does this song fit Metroid so well.
❤❤❤ 😊
When robot AI eventually take over the world, this undoubtedly what they’ll play when going to war.
Nice ☺☺☺
Thank You! ^^
Thanks! :D
Gyuuki Nightcore your welcome my friend
The picture reminds me of undefeated Bahamut chronicle
Al final me gustó 🙂☺️
Scary robot....and a scantily clad toothpick
You can have the robot. I'll take that scantily clad toothpick. 😉
can you send us the anime link ? because i can't find it
This is my steel type pokemon song.
I don’t remember where this characters from and I just can’t place her name also bad ass Mech
Looks like a Hyperdimension Neptunia fanart
whats the anime name ?
If it is one, I wish to know as well, but I don't think so since the description says it's original.
it's art
what anime is?
this should be paired with dragonballs Z Andiod 18 and android 19 !!!!
What’s the anima called
I could swear that mech in the background is from an anime the problem is I can’t remember what the anime is called or what it’s about. Does anyone know or am I miss remembering.
same here^^
Knights and magic? That’s my best guess
@@ryanguybro6952 No I watched that it ain't K&M
What anime ??
No. F-ing. Way. I can't believe it's happening.
I kinda wish this art was from a anime.
its heavily inspired from evangelion
Who's the girl?
phê như con yêu quái
Am I the only one here who thinks that this looks Ernestie from Knights and Magic if he had been born a girl but still followed the same path?
No. Not only you thinks so now. Thx what made me figure it out.
Necrons be like
well.. hi?
is that a p90 and that mechs awesome
screw the girl
was i the only one hearing paper mache instead of 'we are machines'?
Now that you mentioned It I do 😂
What anime is this girl from?
I believe she's one of the Sangvis Ferri bosses from Girls Frontline
Intruder, I think
Только робот нравится.
whets the anime couse i cant find Original
deividas deividas I hope that I am right but if I do not please correct me. Original means it is just picture, it is not refering to any anime. Also pls forgive me my terrible English.
Hes right there isnt an anime.. the Mecha reminds me of Knights and magic.. but the person was never there so sorry.. :) but if you want to watch Knights and magic than i can say that i loved to watch it :)
thx for the opinion
no problem i dont have perfect english to couse i already see a mistake one that comment
it's from an artist called Gia if I am not mistaken, or at least it has all of their art style, that and the giant gun and moe girl is a dead give away that it's Gia
what chance is if this is a anime?
no me gusto que taparan la imagen
Thanks! ^^
What anime is?