VN - Ren'Py - SnowStorm [v0.9 DR] [GleenX Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played Sandstorm and thought this would be pretty average but with a cool theme. I was very pleasantly surprised.

    Characters - There's good number and variety of LI's, they are attractive, unique and interesting. Each of the 3 clans has a lead LI and 2 significant others, with side LI's from quests. Being in a different clan doesn't exclude you from pursuing a LI but reduces your chances.

    Mechanics - My fave bit. Really well judged. Easy to understand, offers great variety and plenty of curveballs. It reminds me of another extremely popular title.

    Normally you pick a scene related to a specific LI and have to make 3-4 choices. If you get the important choices correct you progress with that LI. Simple... but some scenes, some choices matter more to others than to the LI you're talking to, sometimes you don't know which LI the question is important to. This encourages you to focus your attentions and roleplay your clan rather than try to win everyone over, or make a lot of saves.

    Story - It's good Viking fun with some mystery and drama carrying over from the previous title.
    It offers variety and rewards replaying by showing different POVs of the same events based on your clan or your previous decisions. What could be an short insignificant scene for 1 clan could be a large drama for another.

    So far I'm loving it. (0.4)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As a whole pretty decent game! Good job dev! The story is interesting, placed in cool locations and time period, at least in my opinion so I do hope the development goes on. The sex scenes are hot! Which is always important. And oh boy the models are dope, nice boobs and as a whole body proportions, big without going to unrealistic level plus hot faces so no complains here either.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game so far, an intense story with deep character! Not to mention the hot scenes... Keep the good work! Also, belive ive found a minor bug, as a WW im not getting the dexterity point for helping (or not) her with the arrows compared to whe im on the other factions.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So far (V 0.4) a great game with an interesting concept explored by movies but not so much in the game industry, in the adult game industry less again: "what would I do if I was sent back in time?"

    I like when the MC realizes that not all his knowledge is coming in hand.

    - Story: I give it a 10/10, it's coherent, well written and it's possible to see the author studied the culture he wants us to dive in, that's a plus and he presented the clan oprions in a way I wanted to see all the 3 paths. I don't often do that in games in general.

    - Graphics: probably the weakest part, don't get me wrong, I rate them 8.5/10, but we can find some games more polished than this one.
    All the characters look good, and the LIs a little better than the others.
    Animations are smooth, not too long, and well rendered.

    - Enjoyability: 10/10, the game brings you the will to explore all different possibilities you're given, you see how your choices influence the outcomes.
    I recommend a playthrough without a walkthrough to better understand the game, then, if wanted or needed then to use the pdf linked. I didn't and had a lot of fun myself.

    That's why I rated the game with 5 stars
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only been playing this game for a few seconds and I'm falling in love with it. Became one of my favorite games. In addition to very beautiful rendering, the story is also very interesting. And what I like the most is that every choice greatly influences the story, moreover the stories in each clan are different, even though there are some events that are the same because of the influence of the main story. I hope that in every next update the story can be more focused on the stories of each clan without putting aside the main story.

    The background music is also very good, making me enjoy the gameplay even more.

    And this is the first time I'm playing a game by trying all alternative stories because I'm interested in each story, which is usually just because I want to open the whole scene or just curious about the ending story.

    And sorry to say this, but I think SnowStorm is way better than SandStorm, from all aspects.

    I hope that in the next update the story will be more interesting and there are no annoying stories/genres like NTR, because I found some games with interesting stories but after a while they got worse because of NTR or other annoying things.

    Sorry for my bad English.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: v0.4)

    SnowStorm feels like the dev has hit a stagnation point after SandStorm. I would have rated SnowStorm a star higher if the game was the first release of the dev.

    What I liked about the game:
    + Premise. SnowStorm has an interesting premise where the MC is transported to the era of the Vikings. We go through our MCs struggles as he adapts to the situation that he finds himself in while adapting to the new environment. There aren't many games set in the Viking culture and this definitely feels unique in the AVN industry.

    + Art and Animation. Not the best art or animations among the AVNs that I've played, but it still looks pleasing enough on the eye. The art is a major improvement when compared to SandStorm. The LIs look good and most of them look unique. The animations are smooth and they enhance the experience of the player. However, one major gripe is the surroundings in the scene often aren't given much importance. I feel the dev could've explored the beauty of living in a snow filled world more often.

    = Soundtrack. The title screen soundtrack is haunting and beautiful. The ones in the game feels out of place in the medieval setting. Good music, but reduces the immersive feel of the game.

    = Romance. We spend a somewhat similar amount of time with each LI which has fleshed out their characters. Some of them like Nox and Yrsa are compelling characters while others like Astrid have failed to hold my attention.

    What I feel should be improved:

    - Storytelling. The story told in SnowStorm is quite interesting and entertaining, but very inconsistent. Most of my problems about the story would be about our MC. Our MC has been transported from the world of SandStorm to the world of SnowStorm. He has amnesia until v0.3 and once he remembers about his past, he doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about the people he left back home. Also, this amnesia is very weird. MC remembers most of the things that he should remember about the modern world, but he has forgotten about the people he loved and cared about. The timeline is also very quick. MC has been living among the Vikings only for four weeks but he has already become a capable warrior when he had no history in fighting.

    Overall, I would rate it at 6.5/10. I had enjoyed playing SandStorm and as it's sequel I could only feel that SnowStorm disappointed. Perhaps, if you consider the game without thinking about SandStorm then you can bump up the rating to a 7.5-8/10. It definitely has potential to improve and I would still keep up with the story whenever it releases out here. Goodluck to the devs!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with interesting story, good rendes and I really enjoy a game play. Also choices have real effect on the game.

    I am looking forward to new release of the game. Hope It will pteserve its quality.

    Autor made really good job.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just Wow, I really love this game. I just realized, that I have not rated this one before although its the only game where I download every update immediately, because the story caught me like no other before.
    If I could, I would give more than 5 stars. The characters are beautiful and the atmosphere is just great.
    Thank you for such a good game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Sandstorm excelled at various aspects, but was lacking in art. But this one improves on that a lot (Damn Astrja looks fine :D).
    Story wise its going good till now. I hope it doesnt evolve into some mindless harem game where the mc's is banging every chick.

    Only complaint is that the story immersion breaks sometimes as the player is given the choice to pursue quests. For eg in one questline mc speaks nordic almost fluently, but then cant even make up sentences in the next questline. But those can be overlooked. I have stuck to one girl for increasing affinity and that story line has been very good so far.
    Hoping to see more this soon.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Detail is very good in this game, as is the story. Character play is minimal but the few choices you have will change the route you are on/going. Other than that, this is a top tier game worth the time to download and play. Good luck to the developer.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best fantasy,adventure,romance game on the site.
    1. The girls are attractive and have a distinct charm.
    2. Lore is fascinating and history terms are pretty well researched.
    3. Choices really matter a lot.
    4. Probably gonna have multiple endings just like its part 1.

    1.There is branching in the story so you can't get every scene .
    2. Fights are not that well done.

    Conclusion- I played a lot of games but it's probably the only one I didn't wanna skip a single line.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Story- Biggest pro I think is the story telling. The author's other game, "Sandstorm" also had a thought out story. This one is no different. And yes, this includes VERY good character development, world building etc. Whoever is the writer, they know what they're doing.
    2 )Music- The music fits perfectly to the Viking era, plays a huge role in the immersion
    3) Renders- Great renders, the girls are made nicely but so are girls from other games. but what sets this apart is I particularly liked the supporting background renders. There is a scene where one of the girl is looking at you with the sun shining on her and rocky mountains, blue skies behind her. Y'know, stuff that makes you feel like that you're really there. Also scenes like a beautiful autumn fishing village . Very picturesque.
    4) THICC- Yeah, it has the THICC.

    1) A bit of inconsistency in the dialogue. One place you say the name of a girl like you know her but only in a later part do you actually get to know her name.
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    That kinda broke the immersion.
    2) Not much sexual content as of 0.2, but then again, good visual novels gets you so invested on the plot that you forget about the sex for a while lol. Which I feel like this game accomplishes well.

    This should be able to go down as one of the best Medieval adult visual novels to date if devs keep up with the feedbacks. (Like, not turning a VN into a Sandbox).
    Also, MC developing a beard (hopefully) as he lives with the Vikings was a nice touch.
    Good luck to the devs and may your game shine like Baldr.
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    If the game continues anything like its predecessor, Sandstorm then it will be a great game. What is here so far has set up a good foundation for the rest to come. My big thought, is how much work GleenXstudio will have to do to make sure all of the girls get proper attention. Here's hoping for a great second game by the time its finished!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    play V 0.1.5 with a french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 3/5 Unfortunately the French translation forgets one sentence out of 2 and then does not translate anything at all in the second part, so I am not very well placed to talk about it

    characters: 5/5 They look very varied and all very interesting

    sex scene: 2/5 For now, it's very poor on stage and I didn't find them very erotic

    renders: 5/5 The game is absolutely beautiful in every way, be it the characters or the environments.

    animation: 2/5 There are not many and they are really not very fluid

    sound: There are and very good!

    gameplay: 3/5 The choice of different tribes is very good for replayability, but it feels a bit forced
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Another good game from GleenX. At first, I thought this is only about picking blonde, redhead, or brunette. However, you quickly noticed how much detail the developer put into character development and world-building. Each character has a unique personality and motivation. The renders are also top quality. As a result, all girls are beautiful. Unlike other games, it is impossible for me to pick a favorite. Sounds are also included, and it really helps to set the mood and atmosphere. I have personally become a Patreon to the dev, and I highly recommend you to do the same if you enjoy it as much as I do.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I dove in this game from the begining and the fact that the Viking theme is within it makes it easy for me to follow the story. I love the females in this VN they are all differents and beautiful. The fact that they belong to clans is super cool. I love the clan mecanic, the story is well conducted with that part and very interesting. The art could be better though, I tend to be a bit pointy on art and the renders are not that impressive. I'm fond of dialogues and the old norse is amazing, it makes the experience realistic and immersive.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Erastorm Ep 2 - SnowStorm v0.1.0

    This is one is good compared to Dev's first game render quality and count is increased. Story takes place in medieval world. Pretty models. Nice back ground music and sounds which gives more ampience to the game. Game got three branching paths. You can join one of the three clans. Each clans have interesting characters. White bear is my fav clan ofcourse Astrja and Astrid is the fav girls. If you like playing fantasy games give this one a try.

    Overall game is worth playing. Keep up the good work dev. Looking forward to next updates.


    Edit : v0.5 BB

    Guys if you didn't like start of the game or didn't felt it's nice don't abandon it. This one is really worth. You may don't like Candice at the start. But now she one of the best girl or the best girl. This game became more interesting now. Eagerly waiting for the next updates and the war. Seems like it's gonna be bloody
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucifer morning star 666

    very good game !!
    models are hot
    story is interesting
    the barbarian clan can use more action :unsure:
    the game have potential after few updates can be one of the bests
    (i personally like viking ages very much and game like this are very rare)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like I won't be disappointed with which ever route I take, all the ladies in the story are beautiful and very appealing, so can't really go wrong with most of the choices right?! so far very intriguing story and looking forward to more!
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1571716

    Not even sure how to approach this, but, I'll give it a go.

    Demo was pretty solid for the most part. It had a few typos and punctuation errors, but most games do.

    The renders are done well and the storyline, while being a bit childish, was fun. The girls are cute, but, only a couple stand out to me. But, I'm not going to discuss the girls. Everyone has different tastes, so, moving on.

    The demo was overall pretty good. Left me wanting more. Well, we just got more, if you can say that. Yes, there's more content, some really nice renders, but, no new storyline. But, that's fine. We get to know the girls a little more and experience some of the world the MC finds himself in.

    But, the new content also includes point & click mechanics. Something I am not a fan of. Not to mention a map of sorts, has also been added. Yes, the map right now only shows the area the MC finds himself, but, with the introduction of the p&c mechanic, it gives me the feeling this will turn into a sandbox game. As I said, not a fan.

    I'll keep an eye on this, but, I feel this will be another one I drop.

    Demo: 4 stars
    Ep. 2: 3 stars.